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Fall 2023 Student Enrollment Infographic Image Long Description
Overview: This Infographic, Fall 2023 By the Numbers, shows a breakdown of the University of Mississippi Medical Center student enrollment for Fall 2023.
Description of the infographic presentation and values: The infographic shows a breakdown of the University of Mississippi Medical Center student enrollment for the Fall 2023 semester. The title reads Fall 2023 By the Numbers. Below is student enrollment by school:
- Dentistry (SOD) = 202
- Graduate Studies (SGSHS) = 252
- Health Related Professions (SHRP) = 431
- Medicine (SOM) = 654
- Nursing (SON) = 861
- Population Health (SOPH) = 47
Next to this is the total student enrollment. 2,447.
To the right is a list that reads, “Our students represent 80 of 82 Mississippi counties, 40 U.S. states, and 29 countries,” with a world map icon.
In the middle of the graphic is the breakdown of students by educational level:
- Undergrad (UG) = 561
- Graduate (GR) = 1886
- Postgraduate Residents/Fellows = 684
Below the educational level student breakdown are the headers “Sex” and “Race.” Below is the breakdown of students by sex and race/ethnicity demographic.
- Sex:
- Female ~67%
- Male ~33%
- Race/Ethnicity:
- White ~69%
- Black ~16%
- Asian ~9%
- Hispanic ~2%
- Multiracial ~2%
- Not Reported ~1%
- Pacific Islander <1%
- Native American <1%
In the footer is the following text: “For additional information, refer to the Office of Institutional Research.”